April poetry (sort of)

Here’s a poem ’cause it’s April

Not so sure that I am cap’ble

Yet the dare is inescap’ble

Seeking the wordsmith’s life!

The search is on for words that rhyme

Possibly chime, sublime or lime

In a pinch there is always slime

Seeking the wordsmith’s life!

Ought to settle on a topic

Expound on the philanthropic

Hope the reader is myopic?

Seeking the wordsmith’s life!

Maybe come up with something sage

Philosophically all the rage

No, wait! Not time to turn that page

Seeking the wordsmith’s life!

Up to now I am shootin’ blanks

Thinking that my cerebrum shrank

Certainly not something I drank?

Seeking the wordsmith’s life!

One option is just surrender

Admitting I’m bard pretender

Pulitzer chances mighty slender

And that’s the wordsmith’s life.



John Jeansonne

Long Island Newsday sports journalist for 44 years, currently a freelance writer and adjunct professor at Hofstra University.